My last trip to Manchester (dropping Zoe off in Copenhagen on the way) let me to the status of almost gold. It is almost unfair but also ironic that I'm so close, yet have to fly another journey (anywhere. I don't think any flights give less than 500 miles anyway) to qualify. But I'm going to Copenhagen for easter so I'm sorted. Zoe will make silver on the same trip.

Despite my many years of frequent travel (10 years+) I have only been gold once before which comes down to my relationship: Zoe's dad and I travelled a lot together and we tended to use our miles for private travel; not only because it was cheaper but also because it enabled us to travel business class. At one point I traveled more business and first class than economy and I still remember being confused that I had to pay for a glass of wine on a cross Atlantic flight on a US carrier: "oh, we changed that a few years ago", the nice flight attendant said and I snobbishly replied "but I'm not used to be down here". In fact Zoe's very first flight was in first class, upstairs in a Boing 747-400. I learned to breastfeed her lying down in the lie-flat bed. But the flying on miles meant that I just didn't qualify for gold. Silver always but gold only one year. It didn't matter much because Mark was always gold and we went to the lounge together. I still remember the Virgin Atlantic lounge in Heathrow where they bring you whatever warm meal you want from the menu, the champagne was cold and they come down to get you after everybody else has boarded.
There are two things I'm looking forward to when I get my card in a month. The special security queue in Copenhagen, which is much closer to the actual entrance and saves you 500 meters' walking, something quite useful when having to drag a 2 year old sobbing girl: "Zoe sad, Zoe had to say bye bye to grandma". And the lounges. The Copenhagen lounge has a special kids area which Zoe loves and they serve meatballs and olives, both Zoe's favorite easy snacks. And I presume they keep the champagne cold.
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